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Discover ArcGIS Walking Tours, National Park Service Auto Tours and St. Joe Road Mapping!

ARC GIS Walking tour Map of St. joseph

Experience St. Joseph how it was for visitors during the Westward Migration and the Pony Express. St. Joseph, Missouri was one of the main "jumping off" points along the border of the United States into Indian Territory on the other side of the Missouri River. Explore sites where wagons were sold, where rooms were available to rent while travelers waited on the ferries, and where Pony Express riders picked up the mail and more. This map roughly encapsulates from when Lewis and Clark traveled past St. Joseph on their expedition to the time just before the transcontinental railroad was completed.

National Park Service Auto Tour Maps & Guides

The Auto Tour Route Interpretive Guide series are state by state guides that provide an overview of local trail history and driving directions to suggested sites and points of interest that provide interpretive media and/or educational services.The series can also be found in printed publication format at many travel and tourism centers along the historic trail route.


St JOSEPH history maps

Saint Joe was a major jumping-off point for California and Oregon emigrants from 1844 into the ’60s. The Saint Joe Road ran near the Sac and Fox Presbyterian Mission on the way to cross the Big Blue River and meet the Independence Road. Over the last 20 years, the Chapter is actively preserving and marking the St. Joe Road with Carsonite trail posts as well as several interpretive signs in St. Joseph and northeast Kansas.